Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 14 Monitoring DWDM Properties
Viewing Performance Monitoring Configuration
OTN PM Settings Tab
Type OTN performance monitoring parameter being tracked:
bbe-pm-fe—Far-end path monitoring background block errors (BBE-PM). Indicates the
number of background block errors recorded in the optical transport network (OTN) path
during the performance monitoring time interval.
bbe-pm-ne—Near-end path monitoring background block errors ( BBE -PM).
bbe-sm-fe—Far-end section monitoring background block errors (BBE-SM). Indicates the
number of background block errors recorded in the OTN section during the performance
monitoring time interval.
bbe-sm-ne—Near-end section monitoring background block errors (BBE-SM).
bber-pm-fe—Far-end path monitoring background block errors ratio (BBER-PM). Indicates
the background block errors ratio recorded in the OTN path duri ng the p erfor ma nce
monitoring time interval.
bber-pm-ne—Near-end path monitoring background block errors ratio (BBER-PM).
bber-sm-fe—Far-end section monitoring background block errors ratio (BBER-SM).
Indicates the background block errors ratio recorded in the OTN section during the
performance monitoring time interval.
bber-sm-ne—Near-end section monitoring background block errors ratio (BBER-SM)
es-pm-fe—Far-end path monitoring errored seconds (ES-PM). Indi cat es the err ore d se co nds
recorded in the OTN path during the performance monitoring time interval.
es-pm-ne—Near-end path monitoring errored seconds (ES-PM).
es-sm-fe—Far-end section monitoring errored seconds (ES-SM). Indicates the errored
seconds recorded in the OTN section during the performance moni tori ng t ime int erval.
es-sm-ne—Near-end section monitoring errored seconds (ES-SM).
esr-pm-fe—Far-end path monitoring errored seconds ratio (ESR-PM). Indicates th e er rore d
seconds ratio recorded in the OTN path during the performance monitoring time interval.
esr-pm-ne—Near-end path monitoring errored seconds ratio (ESR-PM).
esr-sm-fe—Far-end section monitoring errored seconds ratio (ESR-SM). Indicate s the errored
seconds ratio recorded in the OTN section during the performance monitoring time interval.
esr-sm-ne—Near-end section monitoring errored seconds ratio (ESR-SM).
fc-pm-fe—Far-end path monitoring failure counts (FC-PM). Indi cate s the fa ilure c ount s
recorded in the OTN path during the performance monitoring time interval.
fc-pm-ne—Near-end path monitoring failure counts (FC-PM).
fc-sm-fe—Far-end section monitoring failure counts (FC-SM). Indicates the failure counts
recorded in the OTN section during the performance monitoring time interval.
fc-sm-ne—Near-end section monitoring failure counts (FC-SM).
Table 14-6 Client DWDM PM Settings Properties Window and Tabs (continued)
Field Description