Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 5 Working with Prime Network Vision Maps
Working with Aggregations
Working with Aggregations
Prime Network Vision enables you to group network elements and display them as an aggregation.
Aggregations can contain network elements, services, other a ggregatio ns, and so for th.
Note You cannot aggregate service entities that exist within a service. For example, you cannot aggregate
VRFs that exist within a VLAN.
For more information on working with aggregations, see the following topics:
Grouping Network Elements into Aggregations, page 5-16
Adding Elements to an Existing Aggregation, page 5-18
Viewing an Aggregation Thumbnail, page 5-16
Ungrouping Aggregations, page 5-19
Viewing Multi-Chassis Devices, page 5-19

Grouping Network Elements into Aggregations

To aggregate network elements:
Step 1 Select the network elements. To select multiple items, press Ctrl.
Step 2 Aggregate the network elements by choosing Node > Aggregate.
Step 3 In the Aggregation dialog box, enter a unique name for the aggregation and click OK. The ag gregat ion
is displayed in the navigation pane and the map pane. Aggregations are displa ye d as a sin g le en tity with
the Aggregation icon and a plus sign, as in the following examples:
The aggregation icon changes color according to the alarm severity. For more informatio n about sev erity
colors, see Alarm Indicators, page 2-12.

Viewing an Aggregation Thumbnail

You can view a thumbnail of a selected aggregation in the map pane, including all aggregated elements
and any nested aggregations.