Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Working with Prime Network Vision MapsThe topological map is the main tool used by Cisco Prime Network Vision (Prime Network Vision) to
display the links and relationships between the network elements and aggregations. The follo wing topics
describe how to work with the topological maps displayed in the content pane of the Prime Network
Vision window :
• User Roles Required for Working with Prime Network Vision Maps, page 5-2
• Opening and Closing Maps, page 5-5
• Creating and Deleting Maps, page 5-6
• Adding and Removing NEs from Maps, page 5-9
• Managing Maps, page 5-11
• Finding NEs, Services, and Links, and Elements Affected by Tickets, page 5-15
• Working with Aggregations, page 5-16
• Working with Overlays, page 5-21
• Filtering Links in a Map, page 5-25
• Opening the CPU Usage Graph, page 5-27
• Communicating with Devices Using Ping and Telnet, page 5-28
You can also perform the following functions from the map and list views if they are configured for your
• Launch external applications or tools, such as an SSH client.
• Launch available scripts and commands, depending on the NE device type, OS, supported
technologies, and so forth. Those commands are documented throughout this guid e (for example ,
Setting Up Devices and Validating Device Infor mation, page 1-4). This also includes commands you
create using Command Manager and Command Builder. A list of scripts is provided in Cisco Prime
Network 4.0 Supported VNEs - Addendum.