Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 18 Monitoring MPLS Services Working with MPLS-TP Tunnels
Figure 18-8 LSP Endpoint Properties Window
Table 18-5 describes the information displayed in the LSP Endpoint Properties window.
Step 3 To view LSP endpoint redundancy status in inventory, double-click the element on which the MPLS-TP
tunnel is configured.
Step 4 Choose Logical Inventory > MPLS-TP > MPLS-TP Global > LSP End Points.
Step 5 The LSP End Points tab contains the following information related to LSP redundancy service (see
Figure 18-9):
Whether the LSP endpoint is Working or Protected.
The LSP endpoint role, either Active or Standby.
The operational status of the LSP endpoint, either Up or Down.
Table 18-5 LSP Endpoint Properties Window
Field Description
LSP Type Indicates whether the LSP is active (Working) or backup (Protected).
LSP ID LSP identifier, derived from both endpoint identifiers and using the format
src-node-ID::src-tunnel-number::dest-node-ID::dest-tunnel-number where:
src-node-ID represents the identifier of the node originating the signal
src-tunnel-number represents source tunnel identifier.
dest-node-ID represents the identifier of the target node.
dest-tunnel-number represents the destination tunnel identifier.
In Label Incoming label identifier.
Out Label Outgoing label identifier.
Bandwidth (kbps) Bandwidth specification in Kb/s.
Out Link ID Link identifier assigned to the outgoing interface.
Out Interface Outgoing interface hyperlinked to the relevant entry in physical inventory.
Role (Oper Status) Role of the LSP endpoint (Active or Standby) with the operational status (UP
or DOWN)