Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
LTE Networks
Create SPI Expand FA node > right-click FA
service > Commands >
Use this command to configure Security
Parameter Index (SPI) for a foreign agent
Modify SPI
Delete SPI
Expand FA node > expand FA
service node > HA Configuration
> right-click on SPI Number in
content pane > Commands >
Use these commands to modify and delete an
existing SPI configured for a foreign agent
Create IKE Expand FA node > right-click FA
service > Commands >
Use this command to configure Internet Key
Exchange (IKE) for a foreign agent service. If
foreign agent reverse tunneling creates a
tunnel that transverses a firewall, any mobile
node that knows the addresses of the tunnel
endpoints can insert packets into the tunnel
from anywhere in the network. It is
recommended to configure Internet Key
Exchange (IKE) or IP Security (IPSec) to
prevent this.
Modify IKE
Delete IKE
Expand FA node > expand FA
service node > HA Configuration
> right-click on IKE Number in
content pane > Commands >
Use these commands to modify and delete an
existing IKE configured for a foreign agent
Advertisement Expand FA node > FA service >
right-click Advertisement >
Commands > Configuration
Use this command to modify the
advertisement configuration settings specified
for a foreign agent.
Authentication Expand FA node > FA service >
right-click Authentication >
Commands > Configuration
Use this command to modify the
authentication configuration settings specified
for a foreign agent.
Modify GRE Expand FA node > FA service >
right-click GRE > Commands >
Use this command to modify the Generic
Routing Encapsulation (GRE) configuration
settings specified for a foreign agent.
Modify HA
Configuration Expand FA node > FA service >
right-click HA Configuration >
Commands > Configuration
Use this command to modify the Home Agent
configuration settings specified for a foreign
Modify Proxy
Mobile IP Expand FA node > FA service >
right-click Proxy Mobile IP >
Commands > Configuration
Use this command to modify the Proxy
Mobile IP configuration settings specified for
a foreign agent.
Expand FA node > FA service >
right-click Registration
Revocation > Commands >
Use this command to modify the Registration
revocation configuration settings specif ied for
a foreign agent.
Table 25-51 Foreign Agent Configuration Commands (continued)
Command Navigation Description