Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 17 IPv6 and IPv6 VPN over MPLS
User Roles Required to Work with IPv6 and 6VPE
User Roles Required to Work with IPv6 and 6VPEThis topic identifies the roles that are required to work with IPv6 and 6VPE in Prime Network Vision.
Prime Network determines whether you are authorized to perform a task as follows:
• For GUI-based tasks (tasks that do not affect elements), authorization is based on the default
permission that is assigned to your user account.
• For element-based tasks (tasks that do affect elements), authorization is based on the default
permission that is assigned to your account. That is, wheth er the element is in one of your assigned
scopes and whether you meet the minimum security level for that scope.
For more information on user authorization, see the Cisco Prime Network 4.0 Administrator Guide.
The following tables identify the tasks that you can perform:
• Table 17-1 identifies the tasks that you can perform if a selected element is not in one of your
assigned scopes.
• Table 17-2 identifies the tasks that you can perform if a selected element is in one of your assigned
By default, users with the Administrator role have access to all managed elements. To change the
Administrator user scope, see the topic on device scopes in the Cisco Prime Network 4.0 Administrator
Viewing IPv6 Information Prime Network Vision displays IPv6 addresses when they are configured on PE and CE routers in the IP
interface table. IPv6 addresses are:
• Displayed in the Prime Network Vision map pane for IPv6 links.
• Displayed in logical and physical inventory for routing and interface information, including IP, PPP,
and High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC).
• Used in Cisco PathTracer to trace paths an d p resent path trace results.
Table 17-1 Default Permission/Security Level Requir ed f or Vi ewing IPv6 Pr oper ties - Elem ent Not
in User’s Scope
Task Viewer Operator OperatorPlus Configurator Administrator
View IPv6 properties — — — — X
Table 17-2 Default Permission/Security Level Required for Viewing IPv6 Properties - Element in
User’s Scope
Task Viewer Operator OperatorPlus Configurator Administrator
View IPv6 properties X X X X X