Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
Working with Active Charging Service
Table 25-75 Active Charging Services in Logical Inventory
Field Description
Service Name Name of the active charging service.
TCP Flow Idle Timeout Maximum duration, in seconds, a TCP flow can remain idle.
UDP Flow Idle Timeout Maximum duration, in seconds, a UDP flow can remain idle.
ICMP Flow Idle
Timeout Maximum duration, in seconds, an Interne t Control Me ssage Protoc ol
(ICMP) flow can remain idle.
ALG Media Idle
Timeout Maximum duration, in seconds, an application level gateway (ALG) media
flow can remain idle.
TCP Flow Mapping Idle
Timeout The time for which the TCP flow mapping timer holds the resourc es.
UDP Flow Mapping
Idle Timeout The time for which the UDP flow mapping timer holds the resources.
Deep Packet Inspection Indicates whether configuration of DPI is enabled or disabled in the mobile
video gateway.
Passive Mode Indicates whether the ACS is in or out of passive mode operation.
CDR Flow Control Indicates whether flow control is enabled or disabled between the ACS
Manager (ACSMGR) and Charging Data Record Module (CDRMOD).
CDR Flow Control
Unsent Queue Size Flow control unsent queue size at ACSMGR level.
Unsent Queue High
Water mark Highest fl ow control unsent que ue size at ACSMGR level.
Unsent Queue Low
Water mark Lowest flow control unsen t queue size at ACSMGR level.
Content Filtering Indicates whether content filtering is enabled or disabled for the ACS.
Dynamic Content
Filtering Indicates whether dynamic content filtering is enabled or disabled for the
URL Blacklisting Indicates whether URL blacklisting is enabled or disabled for the ACS.
URL Blacklisting
Match Method Method to look up the URLs in the URL blacklisting databa se .
Content Filtering Match
Method Method to look up the URLs in the category-based content filtering database.
Interpretation of
Charging Rulebase
Charging rulebase configured for the ACS.
Selected Charging
Rulebase Name for A VP Charging rulebase name for attribute value pai r (AVP) configured for the