Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
Viewing Operator Policies, APN Remaps, and APN Profiles
Prime Network Vision displays the list of operator policies configured under the container . You can view
the individual policy details from the table on the right pane or by choo si ng Logical
Inventory > local > Mobile > Policy > Operator Policies > Policy.
Table 25-70 describes the details available for each operator policy.
If an operator policy is configured with IMEI ranges and APN entries, the details are displayed in the
respective tabs IMEI Ranges and APN Entries on the content pane.
Table 25-70 Operator Policies in Logical Inventory
Field Description
Name Name of the operator policy.
Description Description of the operator policy.
Call Control Profile
Name Name of the call control profile associated with the operator policy.
Call Control Validity Indicates whether the call control profile name associated with the operator
policy is valid or is not created yet (invalid).
APN Remap Table
Name Name of the APN remap table associated with the operator policy.
APN Remap Table
Vali dit y Indicates whether the APN remap table name associated with the operator
policy is valid or is not created yet (invalid).
Default APN Profile
Name Name of the default APN profile associated with the operator policy.
Default APN Profile
Vali dit y Indicates whether the default APN profile name associ ated with the oper ator
policy is valid or is not created yet (invalid).
IMEI Ranges
Start Range The starting number in the range of IMEI profiles.
To Range The ending number in the range of IMEI profiles.
Software Version Software version to fine tune the IMEI definition.
Profile Name Name of the IMEI profile associated with the IMEI range. Displays ‘None’,
if no profile is associated with the range.
Validity Validity of the IMEI profile.
APN Entries
NI APN network identifier.
NI APN Profile Name of the APN profile associated with the network identifier. An APN
profile groups a set of APN-specific parameters that may be applicable to
one or more APNs. When a subscriber requests an APN that has been
identified in a selected operator policy, the parameter values configured in
the associated APN profile are applied.
NI APN Profile Validity Indicates whether the NI APN profile associated with the operator policy is
valid or is not created yet (invalid).
OI APN operator identifier.