Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
GPRS/UMTS Networks
Table 25-15 GTPP Characteristics
Field Description
Accounting Server Failure Detection
Detect Dead Server
Consecutive Failures Number of failures that could occur before marking a CGF as dead (down).
Dead Server Suppress
CDRs Indicates whether suppression of CDRs is enabled or disabled when the
GTPP server is detected as dead or unreach ab le.
Dead Time Maximum duration, in seconds, before marking a CGF as dead on
consecutive failures.
Echo Timeout The amount of time that must elapse before the system attempts to
communicate with a CGF that was previously unreachable.
Echo Max Retries Number of times the system attempts to communicate with a GTPP backup
storage server that is not responding.
Redirection Allowed Ind icates wh ether redirecti on of CDRs is allowed or not , when the p rimary
CGF is unavailable.
Duplicate Hold Time
Minutes Number of minutes to hold on to CDRs that may be duplicates, when the
primary CGF is down.
CDR Attributes Indicator