Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 9 Working with Tickets in Prime Network Vision
Viewing Ticket Properties
Reduction Count:
For network events, the reduction count is calculated by the VNE and pertains only to flapping
events. The reduction count represents the number of e v ents tha t are aggr eg ated b y the flap ping
For tickets, reduction count is the sum of reduction counts of all the events that are associated
to the ticket. The History tab in the Ticket Properties window displays one reduction count for
each event listed.
Affected Devices—The number of devices affected by the ticket.
Alarm Count—The total number of alarms associated with the ticket, including the root alarm.
Notes Tab
The Notes tab enables you to add and save notes for the selected ticket. To add text, enter text in the
Notes field and click Save Notes. The new text is added to any previously existing text.
After you save a note, it appears in the Previous Notes section of the Notes tab, with the name of the user
who added the note and the time it was added. If the use r is a n exte rnal us er (for exam ple , a Netc ool
user), the username will be displayed in the following format:
“Added by prime-networkUserName (as externalUserName)”
The following restrictions apply to the Notes tab:
You can add notes for a ticket only if both of the following conditions are true:
The default permission for your account is OperatorPlus or h ighe r.
The security level for the device scope is OperatorPlus or higher for the device that holds the
root alarm for that ticket.
The Notes tab is not available for archived tickets.
The Save Notes button is enabled only when text is entered in the Notes field.
The text cannot be edited or removed once you have saved the notes.
User Audit Tab
The User Audit tab enables you to see which ticket-related actions were carried out by wh ich u ser s, a nd
when the action took place.
If the user is an external user (for example, a Netcool user), the username will be displayed in the
following format in the User Name column:
“Added by prime-networkUserName (as externalUserName)”
The following actions are reported in the User Audit tab:
Acknowledge ticket
Remove ticket (archive)
Clear ticket