Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 12 Monitoring Carrier Ethernet Services
Working with VLANs
Figure 12-27 VLAN Mappings Tab in Physical Inventory
Table 12-25 describes the information that is displayed in the VLAN Mappings table.
Table 12-25 VLAN Mappings Table
Field Description
Direction Whether the VLAN mapping is defined in the incoming or ou tgoing
direction: In or Out.
VLAN Customer-side VLAN identifier.
Inner VLAN Used for two-to-one mappings, the customer-side inner VLAN
Translated VLAN Translated, or mapped, service-provider side VL AN id en ti fier.
Translated Inner VLAN Translated, or mapped, service-provider side inner VLAN identifier.
Action Action taken if the VLAN traffic meets the specified mapping: Translate
or Drop.