Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 12 Monitoring Carrier Ethernet Services
Viewing HSRP Properties
Viewing HSRP Properties
Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) is a protocol that provides backup t o a ro ut er i n c ase o f failure .
Using HSRP, several routers are connected to the same Ethernet network segment and work together to
present the appearance of a single virtual ro uter. The rout e rs sha re the s am e IP an d M AC addre sses ;
therefore in the event of failure of one router, the hosts on the LAN will be able to con tinue forwarding
packets to a consistent IP and MAC address.
HSRP groups are configured on IP interfaces. An IP interface is mode le d by the VN E t hr oug h the
IPInterface DC. The IPInterface DC maintains the HSRP related information by the use of HSRP group
entries. Ethernet DCs, which are used to model Ethernet ports, maintain MAC addresses of the HSRP
To view HSRP properties:
Step 1 Double-click the required element in Prime Network Vision.
Step 2 In logical inventory, choose Logical Inventory > Routing Entities > Routing Entity.
Step 3 In the IP Interfaces tab, double-click the required interface to view the IP int erface properties. If HSRP
is configured on the IP interface, the HSRP Group tab is displayed as shown in Figure 12-6.
Figure 12-6 HSRP Group Information
Table 12-10 describes the information in the HSRP Group tab.