Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies LTE Networks
Viewing the Timers and Restrictions Details
To view the Timers and Restrictions details for a PDSN service:
Step 1 Right-click the required device in Prime Network Vision and choose Inventory.
Step 2 In the logical inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > Context > Mobile > PDSN > PDSN
service > Timers and Restrictions. The details are displayed in the content pane.
Deny New Call
Connection Setup
Record Absent
Indicates whether new calls that do not have airlink connec tion setu p reco rd
in the RRQ must be denied.
Deny New Call
Connection Setup
Record Absent Deny
The reason for denying new calls that do not have airlink connection setu p
record in RRQ.
Deny New Call
Connection Reverse
Tunnel Unavailable
Indicates whether new calls whose GRE key is the same as that of another
user must be denied.
Deny Session Already
Active Indicates whether renew requests that have Airlink Start record for already
active R-P sessions must be denied.
Deny Session Already
Closed Indicates whether renew and de registration requests for closed R-P sessions
must be denied.
Deny Session Already
Dormant Indicates whether renew requests that have Airlink Start record for already
dormant R-P sessions must be renewed.
Deny Terminate Session
On Error Indicates whether termination of session on receipt of erroneous registration
request message must be denied.
Deny Use Zero GRE
Key Indicates whether the GRE key must be initialized to 0 when denying a new
R-P session.
Discard Bad Extension Indicates whether A11 registration request messages containing bad
extensions must be discarded.
Discard GRE Key
Change Indicates whether A11 registration request messages for an existi ng A11
session that contain a different GRE key must be discarded.
Update Wait Timeout The time taken (in seconds) by A11 RRQ fo r Qo S cha nges.
Table 25-65 Registration Details (continued)
Field Description