Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
LTE Networks
Notify Payload - Half
Open Session Start The initial count of the number of half-open sessions per IPSec mana ge r.
Transmission of information will start only when the number of half-open
sessions currently open exceed the starting count.
Note A session is considered half open if a Packet Data Interworking
Function (PDIF) has responded to an IKEv2 INIT request with an
IKEv2 INIT response, but no further messages were rece i v ed on the
particular IKE SA.
Notify Payload - Half
Open Session End The maximum count of half open sessions per IPSec manager. Transmission
of information will stop when the number of half-open sessions currently
open is less than this count.
Authentication Local The local gateway key used for authentication.
Authentication Remote The remote gateway key used for authentication.
Keepalive Interval The period of time (in seconds) that must elapse before the next keepalive
request is sent.
Keepalive Retries The period of time (in seconds) that must elapse before the keepalive request
is resent.
Keepalive Timeout The keepalive time (in terms of seconds) for dead peer detection.
Maxchild SA Count The maximum number of child SA per IKEv2 policy, which can be any value
between 1 and 4.
Maxchild SA Overload
Action The action to be taken when the specified soft limit for the maximum number
of SA is reached, which can be any one of the following:
Ignore—The IKEv2 stack ignores the specified soft limit for the SA and
allows new SA to be created.
Terminate—The IKEv2 stack does not allow new child SA to be created
when the specified soft limit is reached.
NAI CustomIDr The unique user specified identification number to be used in the crypto
template for Network Access Identifier (NAI).
Crypto Template Payloads
Payload Instance The payload instance configured for the crypto template.
Payload Name The unique name of the crypto template payload.
Ignore Rekeying
Requests Indicates whether IKESA rekeying requests must be ignored.
IP Address Allocation The IP Address Allocation scheme configured for the crypto template
Lifetime The lifetime (in seconds) for the IPSec Child Security Associations derived
from the crypto template.
Lifetime (KB) The lifetime (in kilo bytes) for the IPSec Child Security Associations derived
from the crypto template.
Maximum Child SA The maximum number of IPSec Child Security Associations (SA) that ma y
be derived from a single IKEv2 IKE SA.
Table 25-52 Crypto Template Details (continued)
Field Description