Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 20 Monitoring MToP Services Viewing Channelization Properties
Alarm State Alarm state of the DS1 line:
Clear—The alarm state is clear.
AIS—Alarm Indication Signal (AIS).
LOS—Loss of signal (LOS) alarm.
AIS_LOS—AIS loss of signal alarm.
LOF—Loss of frame (LOF) alarm.
AIS_LOF—AIS loss of frame alarm.
LOS_LOF—Loss of signal and loss of frame alarm.
AIS_LOS_LOF—AIS loss of signal and loss of frame alarm.
Unknown—Unknown alarm.
Sending Alarms Whether or not the line is sending alarms: True or False.
Maximum Speed Maximum bandwidth for the line.
Framing Type of framing applied to the line.
Line Code Line coding applied to the line.
Loopback Loopback se tt ing co nfigured on the line .
Clocking Clocking configured on the line: Internal or Line.
Recovered Clock ID Recovered clock identifier, if known.
Group Table
This table appears only if a DS0 bundle is configured on a channelized DS1 line. The properties
that are displayed pertain to the DS0 bundle.
Group Name of the DS0 bundle.
Time Slots Range of timeslots (DS0 channels) allotted to the group.
Oper Status Operational status of the grou p.
Encapsulation Type of encapsulation used, such as High-Level Data Link Control
Admin Status Administrative status of the group.
ID DS0 bundle identifier.
Table 20-14 Channelized DS1 PDH Properties Window (continued)
Field Description