Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 4 Device Configurations and Software Images
Use the CCM Dashboard
You can set up membership rules with parameters such as device name, range of device IP addresses,
and the device element type. For example:
Device Name equals 1800
IP Address between And IPv4
Element Type equals Cisco 1801
Note You can choose to include any one or a combin ation o f these par ameters in the r ule b y usi ng
the And/Or operator. Also, you can provide multiple values for the Device Nam e and
Element Type parameters as a comma-separated list, if required.
For static device groups, in the Group Members section, under the Available Devices list,
Prime Network lists all the devices that are available in the database. The fo llowing figure provides
an example of the Create Device Group page for a static group.
Step 4 Click OK to save the group.
Use the CCM Dashboard
To launch the GUI from a web browser, enter the following URL in the address bar:
Note Change and Configuration Management does not support special characters for any of the editab le fields
in the GUI, including filters.
Figure 4-2 shows the CCM Dashboard, which contains four dashlets or subdivisions to display real-time
information about the most frequently used software images, d evices wit h sta rtup a nd ru nni ng
configurations that are not in sync, and recent configuration changes.