Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 12 Monitoring Carrier Ethernet Services Viewing mLACP Properties
Table 12-17 describes the information available in the ICCP Redundancy Group Properties window.
Step 4 To view additional mLACP properties, double-click the entry for the required link aggregation group in
the Data Link Aggregations tab.
mLACP information is displayed in the Link Aggregation Group Properties window, as described in the
following tables:
Table 12-14LAG Ethernet Channel Properties
Table 12-15LAG IEEE 802.3 AD Properties
Table 12-17 ICCP Redundancy Group Properties Window
Field Description
Group Number ICCP group identifier.
Peer Monitoring Option Method used to monitor the peer: BFD or IP Reachability
Member IP Address IP address of the neighbor PoA device.
Member device name Name of the neighbor PoA device.
mLACP Node ID Identifier used by this member of the mLACP redundancy group.
mLACP Configured System
MAC System MAC address of the redundancy group advertised to other
members of the mLACP redundancy group and used for arbitration.
mLACP Configured System
Priority System priority advertised to other mLACP members of the
redundancy group.
Backbone Interfaces Tab
ID Backbone interface defined for the redundancy group, hyperlinked
to the relevant entry in logical inventory.
Status Status of the backbone interface: Up, Down, or Unknown.
Data Link Aggregations Tab
ID Link aggregation group associated with the redundancy group,
hyperlinked to the relevant entry in logical inventory.
Type Aggregation group type: Ethernet Channel or IEEE 8023 AD LAG.
Group Number Aggregation group number.
Bandwidth Aggregation bandwidth.
Aggregation Control
Protocol Aggregation control protocol: Manual, LACP, or PAgP.
Status Aggregation status: Up or Down.
MAC Address Aggregation MAC address.