Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 9 Working with Tickets in Prime Network Vision Managing Tickets
Managing Tickets
The following topics describe how to manage tickets:
Finding Affected Elements, page 9-15
Acknowledging/Deacknowledging a Ticket, page 9-15
Clearing a Ticket, page 9-15
Removing a Ticket, page 9-16
Clearing and Removing Tickets, page 9-16
You can acknowledge, clear , remo ve, or clea r and remov e a tick et only if both of th e follow ing conditions
are true:
The default permission for your account is OperatorPlus or h ighe r.
The security level for the device scope is OperatorPlus or higher for the device that holds the root
alarm for that ticket.
Note When Prime Network is in suite mode, the Acknowledge, Deacknowledge, Add Note, Clear, and
Remove functions are disabled.
Finding Affected Elements
To locate elements affected by a ticket in Prime Network Vision, right-click the desired ticket in the
ticket pane and then choose Find Affected Elements.
Depending on the number of affected elements, the re sult s ar e displ a yed i n one of t he f ol lowing ways:
If only one element is affected, it is highlighted in the navigation pane and the content area.
If multiple elements are affected, they are displayed in the Affected Events window.
Acknowledging/Deacknowledging a Ticket
You can acknowledge a ticket to indicate that the ticket is being handled. The change is reported to the
Prime Network gateway and all open Prime Network applications. You can acknowledge multiple tickets
at the same time.
If a new event is correlated to an acknowledged ticket, the ticket status becomes “Modified” and the
ticket must be acknowledged again.
Acknowledged tickets can be manually deacknowledged.
To acknowledge/deacknowledge a ticket, right-click on the ticket and choose
Clearing a Ticket
You can manually clear tickets when the iss ues they repres ent ha ve been addres sed. When an open tick et
is cleared, the following operations are performed:
The ticket is acknowledged.
All non-cleared alarms associated with the ticket are cleared.
For tickets relating to physical network elements (e.g., link down, card out), the faulty network
element is removed from the Prime Network inventory.