Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 20 Monitoring MToP Services
Network Clock Service Overview
Figure 20-23 SyncE Properties in Logical Inventory
Table 20-25 describes the information that is displayed for SyncE.
Table 20-25 SyncE Properties
Field Description
Synchronous Mode Status of the automatic synchronization selection process: Enabled or
Equipment Clock Ethernet Equipment Clock (EEC) options: EEC-Option I or
EEC-Option II.
Clock Mode Whether the clock is enabled or disabled for the Q ual ity L evel (QL)
function: QL-Enabled or QL-Disabled.
ESMC Ethernet Synchronization Message Channel (ESMC) status: Enabled or
SSM Option Synchronization Status Message (SSM) option being used:
ITU-T Option I
ITU-T Option II Generation 1
ITU-T Option II Generation 2
Hold-off (global) Length of time (in milliseconds) to wa it be for e issui ng a p rote ction
response to a failure event.
Wait-to-restore (global) Length of time (in seconds) to wait after a failure is fixed before the span
returns to its original state.
Revertive Whether the network clock is to use revertive mode: Yes or No.