Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 20 Monitoring MToP Services Viewing Virtual Connection Properties
Table 20-4 Virtual Connection Traffic Descriptors
Value Description
ABR Available bit rate (ABR) supports nonreal-time applications that tolerate high
cell delay, and can adapt cell rates according to changing network r eso urce
availability to prevent cell loss.
CBR Constant bit rate (CBR) supports real-time applications that request a static
amount of bandwidth that is continuously available for the duration of the
CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (CDVT) specifies an acceptable deviation in
cell times for a PVC that is transmitting above the PCR. For a given cell
interarrival time expected by the A TM swit ch, CDVT allows for some variance
in the transmission rate.
CLP Cel l loss priority (CLP) indicates the likelihood of a cell being dropped to ea se
network congestion.
MBS Maximum Burst Size (MBS) specifies the number of cells that the edge device
can transmit up to the PCR for a limited period of time without penalty for
violation of the traffic contract.
MCR Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) specifies the cell rate (cells per second) at which
the edge device is always allowed to transmit.
PCR Peak Cell Rate (PCR) specifies the cell rate (cells per second) that the edge
device cannot exceed.
PDR CLP0+1: 1536 Packet delivery ratio (PDR) for all cells (both CLP1 and CLP0 cells) on the
SCR Sustainable Cell Rate (SCR) specifies the upper boundary for the average rate
at which the edge device can transmit cells without loss.
UBR Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) supports nonreal-time applications that tolerate
both high cell delay and cell loss on the network.
UBR+ Unspecified bit rate plus (UBR+) su ppor ts n onr eal -ti me a pp lica tio ns th at
tolerate both high cell delay and cell loss on the network, but request a
minimum guaranteed cell rate.
nrt-VBR Nonreal-time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) supports nonreal-time applications
with bursty transmission characteristics that tolerate high cell delay , but require
low cell loss.
rt-VBR rt-VBR—Real-time variable bit rate (rt-VBR) supports real-time applications
that have bursty transmission characteristics.