Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 28 Monitoring ADSL2+ and VDSL2 Technology Enhancements
User Roles Required to Work with ADSL2+/VDSL2 Technologies
Viewing the ADSL2+/VDSL2 Details for a DeviceThe physical inventory details for a device displays the location information as well as the XDSL support
details for ADSL2+ and VDSL2 devices,
To view the physical inventory details for a device:
Step 1 Right-click the required device in Prime Network Vision and choose Inventory.
Step 2 Expand the Physical Inventory node.
Step 3 Choose the port and the following details are displayed in the content pane:
• Location Details—This section displays the Device Type, Location, Port Alias, and Status of the
device. It also indicates whether alarms must be sent for any event or alarm.
• ATM on port—This section displays the Asynchronous Transfer Mode details for the port.
• PTM on port—This section displays the Packet Transfer Mode (PTM) details for t he port. The PTM
section displays the following information:
Encapsulation Type
TPS-TC Admin Mode—Will be displayed only for VDSL line cards.
TPS-TC Oper Mode—Will be displayed only for VDSL line cards.
Note The ATM on Port and PTM on Port sections will not be displayed if the port is bonded to a DSL
group or if the TPS-TC Admin Mode is specified as Auto and the TPS-TC Oper Mode is
specified as Unknown.
• XDSL/ADSL2/2+—This section displays the XDSL support details. These support details include
the Administrative and Operating statuses, Operating Mode, Aggregation Group, the various Bit
rates and Noise margins.
Tx Maximum Noise
Margin [dB] The maximum amount of noise (in decibel) transmitted by XDSL
Rx Maximum Noise
Margin [dB] The maximum amount of noise (in decibel) received by XDSL TU-C/TU-R.
Transmission System The operating mode of the transmission system.
XDSL2 Line Profile The XDSL2 line profile that must be used.
Note This field is applicable only for VDSL2 technology.
Upstream Band 0 Mask The XDSL2 upstream band 0 mask.
Note This field is applicable only for VDSL2 technology.
Table 28-2 XDSL Traffic Descriptor Details
Field Description