Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 21 Viewing and Managing SBCs
Viewing SBC DBE Properties
Viewing SBC DBE Properties
The DBE controls media packet access to the network, provides differentiated services and QoS for
different media streams, and prevents service theft.
To view SBC DBE properties, choose Logical Inventory > Session Border Controller > DBE.
Table 21-4 describes the DBE properties that appear in logical inventory.

Viewing Media Address Properties

A DBE uses a pool of sequential IPv4 media addresses as loc al medi a a ddresse s.
To view SBC media address properties, choose Logical Inventory > Session Border
Controller > DBE > Media Address.
Table 21-5 describes the SBC media address properties that are displayed in logical inventory.
Application Version SBC version number.
Mode Mode in which the SBC is operating:
Distributed DBE
SBC Service Name Name of the service.
Table 21-3 SBC Properties (continued)
Field Description
Table 21-4 SBC DBE Properties
Field Description
Process Process name, such as DBE.
Process Status Status of the process, such as Running.
Name Name assigned to the DBE.
Type Type of DBE, either DBE or virtual DBE (vDBE).
DBE Location Id Unique identifier configured on each vDBE within a UM DBE.
Table 21-5 Media Address Properties
Field Description
Address Range IP addresses defined for the pool.
Port Range Lower Lower end of the port range for the interface. If no rang e is sp ecif ied, all poss ible
Voice over IP (VoIP) port numbers are valid.
Port Range Upper Upper end of the port range for the interface.
VRF Name VRF that the interface is assigned to.
Service Class Class of service (CoS) for each port range, such as fax, signaling, voice, or any.