Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 4 Device Configurations and Software Images Compliance Audit
Conditions and Actions—Conditions Details tab
Condition Scope
Details • Condition Scope—Choose the scope of the conditions from one of t he be low:
Configuration—Checks the complete running configuration
Previously Matched Blocks—Runs the conditions against blocks that have been defined in
previous conditions. To run the condition with this option, you must have checked Parse as
Block option in one of the previous conditions. You cannot select this option for the first
condition of a rule.
Device Properties—This checks against the device properties and not the running
• Device Property—This option is enabled only if you selected Device Properties option in the
Condition Scope option.
Block Options
Parse as Blocks Checking this option enables you to run conditions on specific blocks (as defined in this section) in
running configuration files. This option is enabled only if you select ed Co nfigurati on i n the
Condition Scope option.
Block Start Expression This field is mandatory if Parse as Blocks option is enabled. This must be a regular expression. Rule
Inputs can be used here.
Block End Expression This field is optional. By default, blocks end when the top-level or a sub-level command begins. If
you prefer to break the block earlier, enter the value as a regular expression.
Rule Pass Criteria Check the option, as required. If you select:
• All Sub Blocks—The rule is marked a success only if all the blocks fulfill the specified
• Any Sub Block—The rule is marked a success even if one of the sub blocks fulfill the condition.
• Raise One Violation for Each Failing Instance—If you check this option, t he vi ola tion c ou nt
specified in the Job view increases by a s ma n y nu mber o f v iol ations as t he co ndi tion encoun te rs
in each block.
Condition Match Criteria
Operator Choose an option based on the value you will enter in the subsequent field.
Value The value must be a regular expression. This variable can be grepped for use in the su bseque nt
conditions. It follows the convention of condition <number.value number> such as, <2.1> <2.2>...
This numerical identifier can be used from the next condition as input parameter for Operator
selected in the previous field.
Rule Pass Criteria Check the option, as required. If you select:
• All Sub Blocks—The rule is marked a success only if all the blocks fulfill the specified
• Any Sub Block—The rule is marked a success even if one of the sub blocks fulfill the condition.
• Raise One Violation for Each Failing Instance—If you check this option, t he vi ola tion c ou nt
specified in the Job view increases by a s ma n y nu mber o f v iol ations as t he co ndi tion encoun te rs
in each block.
Table 4-6 New Rule - Fields (continued)
Field Description