Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
PrefaceThis guide describes Cisco Prime Network 4.0. Prime Network serves as an extensible integration
platform for network and service management. At its core is a virt ual net work medi ati on mode l t hat is
rich, open, and vendor-neutral, and supports the management of diverse multiservice and multivendor
networks. Additionally, Prime Network provides the following mature NMS functionality:
• Network topology discovery and visualization.
• Element management, providing near real-time inventory.
• Fault management, event correlation, root cause analysis and troubleshooting.
• Network service support.
This preface contains the following sections:
• Audience, page xxiii
• Document Organization, page xxiv
• Conventions, page xxvi
• Related Documentation, page xxvii
• Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page xxvii
The intended audience for this guide includes:
• Network viewers who monitor the network and perform basic (nonprivileged) system functions.
• Network operators who perform day-to-day operations such as creating business tags a nd maps, and
managing alarms.
• Network configurators who activate services and configure network elements.
• System administrators who manage and configure users, network elements, the Prime Network
system, and overall security.
• System managers or administrators who periodically review and manage the events list using
Cisco Prime Network Events (Prime Network Events).
• Networking engineers who are interested in understanding how the Prime Network Events fault and
root cause analysis mechanism works. These engineers should have networking knowledge at Cisco
Certified Network Associate (CCNA) level, and should have received Cisco Prime Network Vision
(Prime Network Vision) basic and administrative training.