Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Appendix A Icon and Button Reference Buttons
Table ButtonsLink Filtering Buttons
Tab le A-1 0 Tab le Bu tto ns
Icon Name Description
Find Searches the current table for the string you enter.
Export to CSV Exports the information displayed in the list view.
Either the selected rows are exported, or, when
nothing is selected, the entire table is exported.
Sort Table Values Sorts the information displayed in the list view (for
example, according to element category).
Filter Filters the information displayed in the table by the
criteria you specify.
Clear Filter Clears the existing filter.
Show All Rows Displays all table rows that meet the current filtering
Show Only Selected
Rows Displays only the rows that you select.
Table A-11 Link Filtering Buttons
Button Name Description
All Links Displays the complete list of links for the selected context (map or
aggregation). In other words, the list is not filtered and all the links are
displayed, including external links.
External Links Displays links with only one side of the link in this context (map or
aggregation) and the other side either not in the map or outsi de t h e
selected context.
Flat Links Displays the links currently visible on the map for the selecte d co ntext
(map or aggregation), excluding any thumbnails.
Deep Links Displays the links for the current aggregation where both en dpoin ts are
within the currently selected context.