Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 8 Tracking Faults Using Prime Network Events Viewing Events and Tickets in Cisco Prime Network Events
For more information about the Cisco IOS and Cisco IOX traps displayed in this tab, see Cisco Prime
Network 4.0 Supported Traps.
The Ticket tab displays detailed information specific to tickets. For information about viewing and
managing tickets in Prime Network Vision, see Working with Tickets in Prime Network Vision,
page 9-1.
Table 8-12 describes the information that is displayed in the Ticket tab.
Duplication Count For network events, the duplication count is calculated by the VNE and
pertains only to flapping events. The duplication count r ep re sen ts t he
number of noncleared events aggregated by the flapping event.
Reduction Count For network events, the reduction count is calculated by the VNE and
pertains only to flapping events. The reduction count represents the
number of events that are aggregated by the flapping event.
Trap Type OID Trap object identifier.
Translated Enterprise Translation of the OID using the MIB. For example, an enterprise OID
of . is displayed in this col um n a s
Enterprise Enterprise OID for the trap, representing the company or organization
that is associated with the trap.
Table 8-11 V3 Trap Tab (continued)
Column Description
Table 8-12 Ticket Tab
Column Description
Severity Icon indicating the severity of the alarm on the ticket (the color and type
of alarm are displayed in the Ticket Properties window Severity field).
See Event Severity Indicators, page 8-3.
Ticket ID Sequentially assigned identifier of the ticket, hyperlinked to th e Ticket
Properties window.
Notes An icon in this column indicates that a note has been added for the ticket.
Click on the icon to read the note and add your own note, if necessary.
Last Modification Time Date and time (per the database) that the ticket was last updated.
Updates can result from either manual or automatic operatio ns.
Root Event Time Date and time that the event that created the root cause alarm of the
ticket was detected.
Description Description of the event, such as “Layer 2 tunnel down.”
Location Hyperlink to the entity that triggered the event.
Element Type The type of element that triggered the root event, e.g., C isco 760 6.