Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
LTE Networks
Viewing the Registration Details
To view the Registration details for a PDSN service:
Step 1 Right-click the required device in Prime Network Vision and choose Inventory.
Step 2 In the logical inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > Context > Mobile > PDSN > PDSN
service > Registrations. The details are displayed in the content pane.
Table 25-65 displays the Registration details.
Table 25-64 QoS Configuration Details
Field Description
Policy Mismatch Indicates whether the PDSN must raise a Traffic FLow Template (TFT)
violation if there is a policy mismatch of QoS.
Qos Wait Indicates whether parameters related to QoS are enabled.
Note While configuring parameters for QoS, the minimum and maximum
waiting time for transmission are also specified. Also, the action to
be performed when the minimum time elapses is also specified.
Associate The unique identification number of the associated QoS Profile that is
configured for the selected context.
QoS Profile tab
ID The unique code of the QoS profile.
Description The description of the QoS profile.
Uplink Bandwidth The uplink bandwidth (in kbps) of your profile.
Downlink Bandwidth The downlink bandw idth (i n kb ps) of yo ur pr ofile.
Latency The latency (in milliseconds) of the profile.
Drop Rate The maximum drop rate percent of the packet.
QoS Class The type of QoS class associated with the profile.
Table 25-65 Registration Details
Field Description
Accept Session
Disconnect In Progress Indicates whether A11 registration request messages must be accep ted from
the PCF when a session disconnection is in progress.
Ask Deny Terminate
Session on Error Indicates whether A11 sessions must be terminated when a registration
acknowledgement is received from PCF with an error status.
Max Deny Reply Limit Maximum number of retries for an erroneous registration request message
from PCF, before PDSN terminates the session.
Deny Mismatched COA
Address Indicates whether RP Requests must be denied, when the Care of Address
field does not match the source address of the requests.