Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
Mobile Technologies Commands: Summary
Mobile Technologies Commands: Summary
The following commands can be used to configure and view mobile technologies under a particular
context in the Prime Network Vision. These commands can be launched from the log i cal inventory by
choosing the Context > Commands > Configuration or Context > Commands > Show. Before
executing any command, you can preview them and view the results. If desired, you can also schedule
the commands. To find out if a device supports these commands, see the Cisco Prime Network 4.0
Supported Cisco VNEs.
The table below lists the commands to configure mobile technologies. Additional commands may be
available for your devices. New commands are often provided in Prime Network Device Packages,
which can be downloaded from the Prime Network software download site. For more information on
how to download and install DPs and enable new commands, see the information on “Adding Additional
Device (VNE) support” in the Cisco Prime Network 4.0 Administrator Guide.
Note You might be prompted to enter your device access credentials while executing a command. Once you
have entered them, these credentials will be used for every subsequent execution of a command in the
same GUI client session. If you want to change the creden tial s, clic k E dit Credentials. The Edit
Credentials button will not be available for SNMP commands or if the command is scheduled for a later
Expand Active Charging
Services node >
right-click ACS service >
Commands >
Charging Action is an action taken on the incoming data
packets once the data packets are treated by the routing
and charging rule components. You can configure
independent actions such as allow, forward, and block
traffic, and bind these actions with other routing and
charging rule components.
Use this command to configure a charging action for a
Expand Active Charging
Services node > ACS
service > Charging
Actions > right-click an
charging action >
Commands >
Use these commands to modify/delete a charging action
for a service.
Expand Active Charging
Services node >
right-click ACS service >
Commands > Show
Use this command to view and confirm the charging
action configuration details.
Table 25-85 Active Charging Services Configuration Commands (continued)
Command Navigation Description