Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies GPRS/UMTS Networks
Mobile Node Home
Agent SPI The mobile node Security Parameter Index (SPI) configured for the APN.
Value is an integer between 256 and 4294967295.
Mobile Node Home
Agent Hash Algorithm The encryption algorithm used (if any) by the APN for security.
Mobile Node AAA
Removal Indication Specifies whether the system is configured to remove various information
elements when relaying registration request (RRQ) messag es to HA . Value
could be Enabled or Disabled.
Primary NBNS Address Primary service address of the NetBIOS server.
Secondary NBNS
Address Secondary service address of the NetBIOS server.
PDP Contexts Parameters
Total Contexts The total number of primary and secondary PDP contexts that ca n be
supported by the APN. Value is an integer between 1 and 4,000,000.
PDP Type The type of the PDP contexts supported by the APN.
Primary Contexts The status of the primary contexts of the APN.
PPP Profile
Data Compression
Protocols The compression protocol used by the APN for compression of data packets.
Keep Alive The frequency (in seconds) of sending the Link Control Protocol (LCP) keep
alive messages. A value zero denotes that the keep alive messages are
disabled completely.
Data Compression
Mode The compression mode used by the compression protocol which could be:
Normal—Packets are compressed using the packet history.
Stateless—Each packet is compressed individually.
MTU (bytes) The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for packets accessing the APN.
Min. Compression Size
(bytes) The smallest packet to which compression may be applied.
RADIUS Group The Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) group name for
the subscriber. If no group is set, the value is displayed as Default.
RADIUS Secondary
Group The secondary AAA group for the APN. If no group is set, the value is
displayed as None.
Returned Framed IP
Address Policy The policy which indicates whether to accept or reject a call when the
RADIUS server supplies as the framed IP address and
when the MS does not supply an IP address.
Absolute Absolute timeout of a session, in seconds, for the APN.
Idle Maximum duration, in seconds, after which the system considers the session
as dormant or idle and invokes the long duration timer action.
Table 25-12 APN Characteristics (continued)
Field Description