Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 22 Monitoring AAA Configurations
Viewing AAA Configurations in Prime Network Vision
Viewing the Charging Configuration Details for an AAA GroupTo view the radius charging configuration details for an AAA group:
Step 1 Right-click on the required device and choose the Inventory option.
Step 2 In the Inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > AAA > AAA Groups > AAA Group > Radius
Configuration > Charging Configuration. The charging configuration details are displayed in the
content pane.
Table 22-11 describes the charging configuration details.
Table 22-10 Radius Authentication Configuration
Field Name Description
Server Selection
Algorithm The algorithm to select the RADIUS accounting server(s) to which
accounting data must be sent. Values are:
• first-serve r
• round-robin
Server Deadtime The time period after which the status of the authentication server must
be changed from Down to Active.
Maximum Outstanding
Messages The maximum number of outstanding messages that can be queued with
the AAA manager.
Maximum Retries The maximum number of attempts with the AAA server, before it is
declared Not Responding and the detect dead server’s consecutive
failures count is incremented.
The maximum number of transmissions attempted for a RADIUS
authentication message, before it is declared FAILED.
Response Timeout The time period to wait for a response from the RADIUS server, before
resending the message. This value is displayed in seconds.
APN To Be Included T he APN associated with the RADIUS authentication.
Authenticate Null User
Name Indicates whether the authentication of user names that are blank or
empty is enabled.
Modify NAS IP Indicates whether the RADIUS authentication is attempted after N AS IP
is modified.
Probe Interval The time interval (in seconds) before sending another probe
authentication request to a RADIUS server.
Probe Timeout The time period (in seconds) to wait for a response from a RADIUS
server before resending the authentication probe.
Probe Maximum
Retries The number of retries for RADIUS authentication probe response before
the authentication is declared as failed.