Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Viewing and Managing SBCs
This chapter identifies and describes the properties for Session Border Controllers (SBCs) that appear
in Cisco Prime Network Vision (Prime Network Vision) logical inventory. It also describes commands
you can run to manage SBCs.
Session Border Controllers (SBCs) control and manage real-time multimedia traffic flows between IP
network borders, handling signaling, and media. SBCs perform native IP interconnection functions
required for real-time communications such as admissi on co nt rol, firewall traversal, ac co unti ng ,
signaling interworking, and quality-of-service (QoS) management. This includes:
Protocol and media interworking
Session routing
Hosted Network Address Translation (NAT) and firewall traversal
Security and AAA
Intra- and inter-VPN interconnections and optimization
Media transcoding with an external media server
The Cisco Prime Network platform provides fault management, configuration, and performance
monitoring for SBC services. Prime Network SBC commands allow you to configure SBC components.
An SBC consists of combined DBE and SBE functionality:
Data Border Element (DBE)—Responsible for media-related functi on s.
Signaling Border Element (SBE)—Responsible for call signaling-relate d func ti ons.
In addition, the SBC can operate in the following deployment models:
Distributed Model (DM)—Contains only the SBE or DBE, resulting in a distributed SBC.
Unified Model (UM)—Contains both the SBE and DBE, thereby implementing the SBE and DBE
as a single device.
Note The existing Cisco SBC platforms support only DBE.
The following topics describe the SBC properties that are displayed in Prime Network Vision logical
User Roles Required to View SBC Properties, page 21-2
Viewing SBC Properties in Logical Inventory, page 21-3
Viewing SBC DBE Properties, page 21-4
Viewing SBC SBE Properties, page 21-5