Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 9 Working with Tickets in Prime Network Vision Impact Analysis in Prime Network
To clear and remove one or more tickets, select the required tickets in the ticket pane , and then right-click
and choose Clear and Remove.
Note When Prime Network detects a large ticket (with more than 150 as soci ated events) , a syst em event is
generated requesting the administrator to clear and remove the ticket. If this is not done within 15
minutes, the ticket will be automatically archived. A new ticket will be opened for an y additional related
incoming events.
Impact Analysis in Prime NetworkImpact analysis enables you to identify the network elements an d services that are impacted by a network
fault or outage. These topics explain how to manage and interpret impact analysis:
• Status Values for Affected Parties, page 9-17
• Accumulating Affected Parties, page 9-18
• Accumulating the Affected Parties in an Alarm, page 9-18
• Accumulating the Affected Parties in the Correlation Tree, page 9-19
• Updating Affected Severity over Time, page 9-19
Prime Network offers two modes of impact analysis:
• Automatic impact analysis—When a fault occurs that has been identified as potentially service
affecting, Prime Network automatically generates the list of potential and actual service resources
that were affected by the fault, and embeds this information in the ticket alon g with all the correla ted
Note This applies only to specific alarms. Not every alarm initiates automatic impact analysis.
• Proactive impact analysis—Prime Network provides wh at- if sc en ar io s fo r de ter mining the possible
effect of network failures. This enables on-demand calculation of affecte d se rvi ce r eso urce s f or
every link in the network, thus enabling an immediate service availability check and analysis for
potential impact and identification of critical network links. Upon execution of the w hat-if scenario,
Prime Network initiates an end-to-end flow that determines all the potentially affected edges.
Note Each fault that has been identified as potentially service affecting triggers an impact analysis calculation,
even if the fault recurs in the network.
Status Values for Affected Parties
In automatic mode, the affected parties can be marked with one of the following status values:
• Potential—The service might be affected but its actual state is not yet known.
• Real—The service is affected.
• Recovered—The service has recovered. This state applies only to entries that were marked
previously as potentially affected. It indicates only the fact that there is an alternate route to the
service, regardless of the service quality level.