Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies LTE Networks
Table 25-58 GRE Configuration Details
Field Description
Checksum Indicates whether the Checksum field is applicable for outgoi ng GRE
packets.By default, this option is disabled.
Checksum Verify Indicates whether the verification of the Checksum field is enabled for
incoming GRE packets.
Reorder Time Out The maximum time (in milliseconds) for processing the GRE packets that
are coming out of order. This time can be any value between 0 and 5000, and
defaults to 100 milliseconds.
Sequence Mode The mode in which incoming out-of-sequence GRE packets are handled,
which can be any one of the following:
• Reorder
• None
This field defaults to None.
Sequence Numbers Indicates whether GRE sequence numbers are inserted in data that is about
to be transmitted over the A10 interface. By default, this option is disabled.
Flow Control Indicates whether flow control is supported by the selected PDSN service. If
this option is enabled, PDSN sends flow control enabled Normal Vendor
Specific Extensions (NSVE) in A11 RRPs. By default, this option is
Flow Control Time Out The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for an Transmitter On (XON)
indicator from the RAN. This time can be any value between 1 and 1000000,
and defaults to 1000 milliseconds.
Flow Control Action The action that must be taken when the timeout limit is reached, which can
be any one of the following:
• disconnect-session
• resume-session.
Protocol Type The tunnel type for the GRE routing. This field defaults to Any.
Is 3GPP Ext Header
QoS Marking Indicates whether the 3GPP Extension Header QoS Marking is enabled for
the selected PDSN feature.
Note If this feature is enabled and the PCF negotiation feature is enabled
in A11 RRQ, then the PDSN will include QoS optional data attribute
in the GRE 3GPP2 Extension Header.
IP Header DSCP Value The Differential Service Code Point (DSCP) value in the IP header that
marks the GRE IP Header encapsulation. This can be any value between
0x0F and 0X3F, and defaults to 0X0F.
IP Header DSCP Value
Packet Type Indicates whether the IP Header DSCP Value pack et type is speci f ied for the
packets. By default, this option is disabled.
GRE Segmentation Indicates whether segmentation of GRE packets is enabled. By default, this
option is disabled.