Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
LTE Networks
Monitoring the Foreign Agent (FA)
A Foreign Agent (FA) is basically a router on a mobile node’s visited network that provides routi ng
services to the mobile node. The FA acts as a mediator between the m obil e no de and it ’s home agent
(HA). When the mobile node moves out of its home network, the FA registers the mobile node with a
Care of Address (CoA). It also facilitates routing information to the mobile node’s home agent, which
contains the permanent address of the node.
When a node tries to communicate with a mobile node that is roaming, it sends packets to the permanent
address. The HA interacts with the FA and delivers the packets to the mobile node using the COA.
Figure 25-10 depicts the function of a foreign agent in a network and the different components tha t it
interacts with.
Figure 25-10 Foreign Agent Architecture

Viewing the Foreign Agent Configuration Details

To view the Foreign Agent configuration details:
Step 1 Right-click the required device in Prime Network Vision and choose Inventory.
Step 2 In the logical inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > Context > Mobile > FA. The list of
Foreign agents configured in Prime Network are displayed in t he c on tent pa ne .
Step 3 From the FA node, choose a FA service. The FA service details are displayed in th e cont en t pa ne a s
shown in Figure 25-11.
Towe r
Radio Access Network (RAN)
Foreign AAA
R-P Interface
Home AAA
or PDN
IP in IP or GRE Tunnel