Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies Scheduling 3GPP Inventory Retrieval Requests
Scheduling 3GPP Inventory Retrieval Requests
The 3GPP Inventory Management Web Services for Prime Network Integration Layer (PN-IL) retrieves
the physical and logical inventory data from the Prime Network managed devices. For details on
supported network elements, see Cisco Prime Network 4.0 Supported Cisco VNEs. For more details on
the 3GPP inventory management an d th e web services, refer to the Cisco Prime OSS Integration Guide,
Prime Network allows you to schedule a web service operations for Prime Network Integratio n Laye r to
run immediately or at a later point in time. Using Prime Network - Web Service Scheduler option, you
can do the following:
Select the inventory request type based on which the invent ory data w ill b e re trieved from either all
the supported devices or from the specified devices under Prime Network.
Schedule the 3GPP inventory management web service operations to initiate the inventory request
and executes it according to the specified schedule.
To schedule web services:
Step 1 In Prime Network Vision, Prime Network Events, or Prime Network Administration, choose
Tools > Web Service Scheduler.
Step 2 In the Web Service Scheduler window, select General tab and select the inventory request type.
Table 25-69 describes the details of the Web Service Scheduler - General tab.
Signalling Packet IP
Header DSCP The Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) marking that is applicable
to the IP header that is carrying outgoing signalling packets.
Simultaneous Binding The maximum number of Care of addresses that can be bound for the same
user as identified by their Network Access Identifier (NAI) and home
address. This can be any value ranging from 1 to 3. This field defaul ts t o 1.
Standalone Mode Indicates whether the LMA service can be started in the standalone mode.
This option is disabled by default.
Timestamp Option
Validation Indicates whether the Timestamp option in the Binding Acknowledgement
must be validated. This option is disabled by default.
Timestamp Tolerance The time (in seconds) to validate Timestamp reply protection, which can be
any value between 0 and 65535. This field defaults to 7 seconds.
AAA Accounting Indicates whether the AAA Accounting information for subscriber sessions
must be sent. This option is enabled by default.
New Call Policy Indicates whether the new call policy must be accepted or rejected. By
default, this field is set to None.
Table 25-68 LMA Service Details (continued)
Field Description