Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 8 Tracking Faults Using Prime Ne t work Events
Working with Cisco Prime Network Events
Description Description of the ticket.
Last Modification
Time Date and time (per the database) that the ticket was last updated. Updates can
result from either manual or automatic operations.
Location Hyperlink to the entity that triggered the event.
Note If the entity that triggered the event is outside your scope, a message is
displayed that states you do not have permission to access the selected
Open Alarms Number of open alarms out of all alarms, such as 3/4.
Element Type The type of device that triggered the root event.
Root Event Time Date and time that the event that created the root cause alarm of the ticket was
Acknowledged Whether or not the ticket has been acknowledged: Yes or No.
Creation Time Date and time when the ticket was created.
Device Time The time zo ne of t he device.
Note This information is available only for Cisco ASR5000 devices.
Category The category of the fault, which can be any one of the following:
• Communications—Associated with procedures and/or processes required
to convey information from one point to another.
• Quality of Service—Associated with a degradation in the quality of
• Processing error—Associated with a software or processing fault
• Environmental—Associated with a condition relating to an enclosure in
which the equipment resides.
• Equipment—Associated with an equipment fault.
• Undetermined—Not categorized.
Nature The nature of the fault, which can be one of the following:
• ADAC (Automatically Detected Automatically Cleared)—When the
clearing is automatically detected and cleared by Element Management
System (EMS). For example, Link Down.
• ADMC (Automatically Detected Manually Cleared)—When clearing
requires manual intervention. For example, DWDM Fatal Error syslog.
Details Detailed description of the ticket.
Troubleshooting The probable cause of the last event in the root alarm, the actio n to be taken to
rectify the problem and the clearing condition.
Note This information is available only for service events and
Cisco ASR5000 traps.
Table 8-19 Ticket Properties Window - Details Tab (continued)
Field Description