Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
Working with Active Charging Service
To view a rule base in logical inventory:
Step 1 Right-click the required device in Prime Network Vision and choose Inventory.
Step 2 In the logical inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > local > Mobile > Active Charging
Services > ACS > Rulebase Container.
Prime Network Vision displays the list of rule bases configured under the container. You can view the
individual rule base details from the table on the right pane or by choo sing Logical
Inventory > local > Mobile > Active Charging Services >ACS > Rulebase Container > Rule
Base.Table 25- 82 describes the details available for each rule base record.
Table 25-82 Rule Base Properties in Logical Inventory
Field Description
Rulebase Name Name of the rule base.
Flow Any Error
Charging Action Charging action to be used for packets dropped due to any error conditions
after data session is created.
Limit for Total Flows Maximum number of simultaneous uplin k and downlin k p acket flows.
Limit for TCP Flows Maximum number simultaneous TCP packet flows per subscriber or APN
allowed for a rulebase.
Limit for Non TCP
Flows Maximum number simultaneous non-TCP packet flows per subscriber or
APN allowed for a rulebase.
Charging Rule
Optimization Internal optimization level to use, for improved performance, when
evaluating each instance of the action.
QoS Renegotiation
Timeout Timeout value after which QoS renegotiation is performed.
RTP Dynamic Routing Indicates whether the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) and SDP
analyzers are enabled to detect the start/stop of RTP (a Transport Protocol
for Real-Time Applications) and RTP Control Protocol (RCP) flows.
Ignore Port Number In
Application Header Indicates whether to consider or ignore the port number embedded in the
Delayed Charging Indicates how to charge for the control traf f i c ass ocia ted w ith an applic ati on.
XHeader Certificate
Name Name of the encryption certificate to be used for x-header encryption.
XHeader Reencryption
Period Indicates how often to regenerate the encryption key for x-header
Default Bandwidth
Policy Name of the default bandwidth policy per subscriber.
P2P Dynamic Routing Indicates whether P2P analyzer is enabled to detect the P2P applications
flow configured in ACS.
Fair Usage Waiver
Percentage Waiver percent on top of the average available memory credits per session
for the Fair Usage feature of active charging.
URL Blacklisting
Action Configured URL blacklisting action to take when the URL matches ones of
the blacklisted URLs.
URL Blacklisting
Content ID Specific content ID for which URL blacklisting is enabled in the rulebase.