Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 10 Working with Reports Using the Report Manager
Navigation Tree
The navigation pane displays a tree-and-branch representation of report fol ders and types of reports. The
highest level in the tree displays report folders. The following standard report folders are provided in
Report Manager:
Events Reports
Inventory Reports
Network Service Reports
Each folder contains the types of reports that are provided with Prime Network and any user-defined
reports. For more information on the standard report types, see Table 10-12.
When you select an item in the tree, the content pane displays the generated reports as follows:
If you select a folder, the content pane lists all reports that have been generated using any of the
report types in that folder.
If you select a report type, the content pane lists all reports that have been generated of that report
Content Pane
The content pane lists all reports generated for the folder or report type selected in the navigati on tree .
You can double-click a report to view the report in HTML format.
Figure 10-3 shows an example of the content pane.
Rename Renames a folder that you created.
Delete Deletes one or more folders that you created.
Delete Report Deletes one or more selected reports.
View Displays the selected report in HTML format.
Table 10-7 Report Manager Toolbar Buttons (continued)
Icon Name Description