Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 4 Device Configurations and Software Images
Compliance Audit
You can view the status of a fix job after the job completes. Click the hyperlinked status to view the
results of the fix job.
Table 4-7 Compliance Audit Violation Details- Fields
Field Description
Job Details and Violations Summary
Devices This displays the number of audited and non-audited devices. For more details on devices, click
the hyperlinked count of audited and non-audited d evices. Non-audited devices include the count
of the following.
The devices that were within the scope of the user while scheduling the job, but has since
changed. At the time job ran, these devices were not with in t h e scop e of the user.
The devices that were down or were not reachable when the job ran.
CPT device not in IOS mode. These devices are not audited because they do not c ontain
running configuration, which is required for Compliance Manager.
Third Party Devices.
Device not in sync with with Compliance server—that is, the device element type is not
available in the Compliance server.
Devices of which backup running configuration cannot be fetched from CCM.
Selected Rules Number of rules selected in a policy at the time the policy profile was created. This may be subset
of the total number of rules defined for the policy.
Compliance State Displays Pass or Fail. All rules in policy for all devices must confirm for the state to display Pass.
Violation Count This lists the number of distinct violations (for a particular po licy, for the number of devices) that
were observed in each job. For example, if a particular policy is violated in 100 devices, the
violation count is only 1.
Instance Count Summation of the violation count for all the device. For example, if a partic ular policy is violated
in 100 devices, the instance count is 100.
Highest Severity The highest severity of the various rules comprising the policy. The highest (as decided at the time
of creating rules) is shown. This overrides the lower severity items.
Ignore Count This is the count of rules ignored due to devices falling outside the sco pe of p latfo rms defined
against the rule.
Violations by Device
Violations by Device This window displays the violations at a device level. Select the devices for which requir e the fix
CLI to be applied. Only the devices for which a fix CLI is available can be selected. Click Next.
Preview Fix Commands
Preview Fix Commands Select a violation to view the respective CLI for the devices. If two or more options are selected,
the CLI is appended. To schedule a fix job, click Next.
Schedule Schedule to the fix job. The details of the fix job can be viewed from Compliance Audit > Jobs.
The job type is Compliance-Fix