Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 9 Working with Tickets in Prime Network Vision
Viewing Ticket Properties
When an affected side is selected in the Source table, the Destination table lists all endpoints with
services that have been affected between them and the entry selected in the Source table.
Table 9-7 Ticket Properties Window - Affected Parties Tab
Field Description
Source Table
Location Hyperlinked entry to the port with the affected parties.
Key Unique value taken from the affected element’s business tag key, if it exists.
Name Subinterface (site) name or business tag name of the affected element, if it
Type Business tag type.
IP Address If the affected element is an IP interface, the IP address of the subinterface
Affected Status (Agg) Status for the affected pair (destination). The same source can be part of
multiple pairs, and therefore each pair can have a different affected status.
The highest affected status reflects the highest among these. The a ffected
status can be one of the following:
N/A—From the links view, this indicates Not Applicable.
Destination Table
Location Hyperlinked entry to the port with the affected parties.
Key Unique value taken from the affected element’s business tag key, if it exists.
Name Subinterface name or business tag name of the affected element, if it exists.
Type Business tag type.
IP Address If the affected element is an IP interface, the IP address of the subinterface
Affected Status Status of the affected pair as calculated by the client according to the rules
defined in Status Values for Affected Parties, page 9-17.
Alarm Clear State For each pair, an indication of the clear state of the alarm:
Cleared—All related alarms for this pair have been clea red.
Not Cleared—One or more alarms for this pair have not been cleared.