Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
LTE Networks
Viewing the Registration Revocation Configuration Details
To view the Registration Revocation configuration details for a foreign agent:
Step 1 Right-click the required device in Prime Network Vision and choose Inventory.
Step 2 In the logical inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > Context > Mobile > FA > FA
service > Registration Revocation. The details are displayed in the content pane.
Table 25-50 displays the Registration Revocation configuration details.
HA Failover The failover status of the FA. This option is disabled by default.
HA Failover Max
Attempts The maximum number of times for HA Failover. This can be any value
between 1 and 10, and defaults to 4.
HA Failover Timeout The timeout (in seconds) for the HA failover. This time can be any value
between 1 and 50, and defaults to 2.
HA Failover Attempts
Before Switching The number of times HA Failover was attempted, before switching over to
an alternate HA. This can be any value between 1 an d 5 , an d d efaul ts t o 2.
HA Failover Reply
Code Trigger The action to be taken on receipt of the configured reject code.
Max Retransmissions The maximum number of times the FA is allowed to retransmit Proxy Mobile
IP registration requests to the HA. This number can be any value between 1
and 4294967295, and defaults to 5.
Timeout The retransmission timeout (in seco nds) for Prox y Mobile IP me ssages on
event of failover. This time can be any value between 1 and 100, and defaults
to 3.
Renew Time The percentage of lifetime at which point the renewal is sent. This percent
can be between 0 and 100, and defaults to 75.
Table 25-49 Proxy Mobile IP Configuration Details (continued)
Field Description
Table 25-50 Registration Revocation Configuration Details
Field Description
Registration Revocation
State Indicates the status of the registration revocation. If this feature is enabled,
then the FA can send a revocation message to the HA when revocation is
negotiated with the HA and MIP binding is terminated. This feature is
disabled by default.
Revocation IBit The status of the Ibit on the registration revocation. If this feature is enabled,
the FA can negotiate the Ibit via PRQ/RRP messages and process the Ibit
revocation messages. This feature is disabled by default.
Internal Failure Indicates whether a revocation message must be sent to the HA for those
sessions that are affected by internal task failure.