Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
T3 DS1 and DS3, viewing properties 20-21
TACACS commands
add TACACS+ server 1-6
add TACACS server
remove TACACS+ server 1-6
remove TACACS server
tag manipulations, for associated VLANs 12-55
TDM and channelization commands
configure AU3 20-57
configure AU4 20-57
configure AUG mapping 20-57
configure card type 20-57
configure controller 20-57
configure framing 20-57
configure STS 20-57
configure TUG3 20-57
delete AU3 20-57
delete AU4 20-57
delete STS 20-57
delete TUG3 20-57
modify E1 controller 20-57
modify T1 controllers 20-57
TDM overview 20-16
show Telnet users (command) 1-10
to devices 5-28
termination points, in switching entities 12-50
TE tunnels and PathTracer 11-33
thumbnail views, options 5-15
ticket and events pane, Prime Network Vision inventory
window 3-15
Ticket Properties dialog box
Advanced tab 9-13
Affected Parties tab 9-11
Correlation tab 9-13
Details tab 9-10
History tab 9-11
Notes tab 9-14
toolbar 9-10
acknowledging 9-15
alarm count 9-6
badges A-22
clearing 9-15
clearing and removing 9-16
Details tab 8-15
duplication count 9-6
EFP severities and 12-38
filtering 8-18, 8-20, 9-7
icons 2-23
managing 9-15
overview 9-1
propagating new 2-18
properties 9-9
reduction count 9-6
removing 9-16
right-click options 2-40
user roles required 9-2
in Prime Network Vision 9-3
properties 9-10
viewing details 8-14
working with in Prime Network Vision 9-1
Tickets tab
inventory window 3-15
link properties window 6-12
Prime Network Events 8-9
Time Division Multiplexing. See TDM or MToP TDM
trace route
trace route from device (command) 1-9
traceroute VRF (command) 1-9
Tracking Disabled, VNE communication state 2-21
transform set details (ePDG) 25-88
Trap tab (events) 8-14