Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 10 Working with Reports Defining Report Types
Defining Report Types
You can modify any of the report types provided by Prime Network so that it better suits your needs and
environment. This is extremely beneficial if you generate a particular ty pe of report for specific devices
or events on a regular basis.
To define a report type:
Step 1 Choose Reports > Report Manager.
Step 2 In the navigation pane, right-click the existing report type, then choose Define Report of This Type.
Step 3 In the Define report of type dialog box, specify the options usi ng the information in Generating Reports,
page 10-22.
Step 4 In the Location field, use the specified reports folder or click Browse to select a different folder.
Step 5 Click OK.
The newly defined report type appears in the navigation tree in the sp ec ified fo ld er.
Managing Report Folders
Prime Network provides the following options for working with report folders:
Creating Folders, page 10-45
Moving Folders, page 10-46
Renaming Folders, page 10-46
Deleting Folders, page 10-47
Viewing Folder and Report Type Properties, page 10-47

Creating Folders

Prime Network enables you to create additional report folders in Report Manager.
To create a report folder:
Step 1 Choose Reports > Report Manager.
Step 2 Select a folder in which to place the new folder.
Step 3 Right-click the folder, then choose New Folder.
Step 4 In the New Folder dialog box, enter a name for the folder.
Step 5 Click OK.
The navigation pane is refreshed and the new folder is displayed.