Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 4 Device Configurations and Software Images Compliance Audit
Step 3 The Schedule Audit page appears. Enter the schedule details. Against Choose Configuration option,
choose the configuration that you want to be applied:
Use Latest Archived Configuration—If you choose this option, the latest Backup Configuration
available in NCCM is used. If the backup configuration is not available, the device is not audited
and is marked against non-audited devices.
Use Current Device Configuration—If you choose this option, Prime Network polls for the latest
configuration from the device and then performs the audit.
Step 4 Click Audit. An audit job is scheduled. You can view the status of an audit job from the Jobs page.
Viewing the Results of an Audit Job and Running Fixes for Violations
The status of scheduled jobs appears on the Jobs page (Compliance Audit > Jobs). All audits are logged
by Prime Network as jobs.
From this page, you can view the violation details and can also apply a fix. After a job is created, you
can set the following preferences for the job:
Suspend—Can be applied only on jobs that are scheduled for future. You cannot suspend a job that
is running.
Resume—Can be applied only on jobs that have been suspended.
Reschedule—Using this option, you can reschedule a job that has bee n s chedu led fo r a differen t
time. Choose a job, and click Reschedule. The Compliance Audit Job Rescheduler window opens.
Set your preferences. The following options are available against Choose Configuration option:
Use Latest Archived Configuration—If you choose this option, the latest Backup Configuration
available in NCCM is used.
Use Current Device Configuration—If you choose this option, Prime Ne twork p ol ls f or t he
latest configuration from the device and performs the audit.
Note You might be prompted to enter your device access credentials. This option is enabled if, from the Prime
Network Administration > Global Settings > Security Settings > User Account Settings >
Execution of Configuration Operations, you checked the option Ask for user credentials when
running configuration operations. This is an enhanced security measure to restrict access to devices.
Cancel—Using this option, you can cancel a scheduled job.
View—This option is enabled only for jobs that in Completed state. Using this o ption, you can view
the details of a job, the associated policies and devices.
Delete—This option deletes a job that has been scheduled. This deletes the listing from the GUI.
You cannot delete a job that is running.
All jobs that are completed are listed in the jobs page. The job is flagged a success o nly if all t he de vice s
audited confirm to the policies specified in the profile. The result, otherwise, is display ed as F ailure. The
job is called a partial success if job contains a mix of both aud ite d and n on- au dit ed devices, wit h the
compliance status of audited devices being a success.
You can view the details of the job by clicking the hyperlinked result displayed against each job. When
you click the result, the Compliance Job Audit Details window displays the violation details. The
Compliance Audit Violation Details window displays the following details: