Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 10 Working with Reports
Managing Report Folders
Step 6 To move the new folder to another folder, or to the top level in the folder hierarchy:
a. Right-click the folder, then choose Move.
b. In the Move To dialog box, select the location where you want the folder to reside.
c. Click OK.
The folder is displayed in the new location.
Moving Folders
Prime Network enables you to move folders that you have created in Report Manager. You cannot move
the Events Reports, Inventory Reports, or Network Service Reports folder.
To move a report folder:
Step 1 Choose Reports > Report Manager.
Step 2 Right-click the folder, then choose Move.
Step 3 In the Move To dialog box, select the location where you want the folder to reside.
Step 4 Click OK.
The navigation pane is refreshed and the folder is displayed in the new location.
Renaming Folders
Prime Network enables you to rename folders that you have created in Report Manager. You cannot:
Rename a folder that resides at the highest level in the hierarchy, such as the Events Reports,
Inventory Reports, or Network Service Reports folder.
Use the same name for different folders that reside at the same level in the hierarchy.
To rename a report folder:
Step 1 Choose Reports > Report Manager.
Step 2 Right-click the folder, then choose Rename.
Step 3 In the Rename Folder dialog box, enter the new name for the f olde r.
Step 4 Click OK.
The navigation pane is refreshed and the folder is displayed with the new name.