Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies Viewing Operator Policies, APN Remaps, and APN Profiles
Viewing APN Profiles
APN Profile defines a set of parameters controlling the SGSN or MME behavior, when a specific APN
is received or no APN is received in a request. An APN profile is a key element in the Operator Policy
feature. An APN profile is not used or valid unless it is associated with an APN and this association is
specified in an operator policy.
Essentially, an APN profile is a template which groups a set of APN-specific commands that may be
applicable to one or more APNs. When a subscriber requests an APN that has been identified in a
selected operator policy, then the set of commands in the associated APN profile will be applied. The
same APN profile can be associated with multiple APNs and multiple operator policies.
An APN profile groups a set of APN-specific parameters that may be applicabl e t o on e or mor e APN s.
When a subscriber requests an APN that has been identified in a selected operator polic y, the parameter
values configured in the associated APN profile are applied. For example:
Enable or disable a direct tunnel (DT) per APN (SGSN).
Define charging characters for calls associated with a specific APN.
Identify a specific GGSN to be used for calls associated with a specific APN (SGSN).
Define various quality of service (QoS) parameters to be applied to calls associated with a specific
Restrict or allow PDP context activation on the basis of access type for calls associated with a
specific APN.
A single APN profile can be associated with multiple operator policies.
To view APN profile properties in logical inventory:
Step 1 Right-click the required device in Prime Network Vision and choose Inventory.
Step 2 In the logical inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > local > Mobile > Profile > APN Profiles.
Table 25-72 Default APN Properties in Logical Inventory
Field Description
Default APN Name Name of the default APN.
Use Default APN When
No APN is Requested Indicates whether the configured default APN can be used or not, if there is
no APN in the request.
Use Default APN When
DNS Query Fails Indicates whether the configured default APN can be used or not, if DNS
query fails.
Fallback APN to Use A fallback APN to be used when the configured default APN is not present
in the subscription, so that activation does not fail.
Fallback APN in First
Subscription Indicates whether APN from the first subscription record must be used, whe n
the configured default APN is not available.
Use APN From Single
Subscription Record Indicates whether APN from the subscription record must be u sed, if it is the
only record available and the normal APN selection fails.