Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 26 Monitoring Data Center Configurations
Viewing the Storage Area Network Support Details
Table 26-14 FC Configuration Details
Field Name Description
Location Information
Type The type of fibre interface, which can be any one of the following:
Fibre Channel
Location The location of the FC/FCoE interface.
Sending Alarms Indicates whether the port is sending all alarms correctly.
Port Alias The port alias of the interface.
Managed The managed status.
Status The status of the FC/FCoE interface.
Pluggable Transceiver
Connector Type The type of connector us ed fo r th e int erfac e.
Pluggable Port State The status of the pluggable port in the interface.
VSAN Interface
Name The name of the VSAN t ec hnolo gy i nte rface .
Admin Status The administrative status of the interface, which can be any one of the
Oper Status The operational status of the interface, which can be any one of the
Trunk Oper Mode The operational status of the trunk mode for a VSAN i nte rface , whi ch
can be any one of the following:
Admin Port Mode The administrative port mode of the interface.
Native VSAN The VSAN ID to which the FC port belongs.
Fibre Channel
Name The name of the fibre channel.
TxB2B Credit The Transmit Buffer to Buffer Credit value for the fibre channel.
Note Buffer to Buffer credit is a flow control mechanism that ensure
that fibre channel switches do not run out of buffers so that the
switches do not drop frames.