Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 4 Device Configurations and Software Images Software Images
Note Check the report to verify whether the storage location has sufficient space for the image or
package. If the space is insufficient, the distribution will fail. If there is insuffi cient memory , you
can choose to clear the disk space while scheduling the dis tribution in the Schedule Distribution
Step 6 If you do not want to distribute any images or packages (for example, if you only wanted to perform a
manual upgrade analysis), click Cancel. Otherwise, proceed to Step 7.
Step 7 Click Next to open the Schedule Distribution page in the wizard, and complete th e schedule infor mation.
Note You can proceed with scheduling the distribution only if upgrade analysis is completed for all
the devices (spanning across multiple pages) in the Select Storage page.
Field Description
Distribution When the distribution job should run.
Note The time you specify here to schedule the distribution job is the
server time.
File Transport
Protocol Overrides the default transfer protocol (as configured on th e Im ag e
Management Settings page).
Clear Flash (Optional) In case of insufficient memory, use the Clear Flash option
(under Flash Properties). This deletes any one file (other than the running
image) and recovers the disk space occupied by the file. This proce dure is
repeated until adequate space is available in the selected flash.
E-mail Id(s) E-mail ID(s) t o which to send a notifica tion after the scheduled distrib ution
job is complete. For two or more users, enter a comma-separated list of
e-mail IDs. A notification e-mail is sent based on the e-mail option
specified in the Image Management Settings page.
Install Add
Package(s) (Optional) Adds packages during distribution for Cisco IO S XR devices
Activation (Optional) Starts an activation job once the images or packages are
distributed (immediately or at future time). For multiple devices, we
recommend that you perform the activation separately from the
Process For multi-device jobs, controls the job processes for both distribution and
activation. If you chose Sequentially, you can also do the following:
Specify the order in which the operations should be proce ssed , by
moving the items up and down in the Reorderable Rows box.
Stop the job if an error is encountered by checking the Stop if an error
occurs check box.
Note If the job includes a reload, choose Sequentially. Otherwise,
routers in the connectivity path of other routers may reload and
cause problems.
Commit Commits the packages after distribution for Cisco IOS XR devices.