Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 24 Monitoring BNG Configurations
Working with BNG Configurations
Diagnose Subscriber Access Points
The following commands can be launched from the inventory by right-clicking t he BNG > Subscriber
Access Points node and selecting the Commands > Diagnose option. Before executing any commands,
you can preview them and view the results. If desired, you can also schedule the commands. To find out
if a device supports these commands, see the Cisco Prime Network 4.0 Supported Cisco VNEs.
Table 24-3 Subscriber Access Point Properties
Field Name Description
Access Point The name of the access point.
Associated Entity The link to the associated entity. Click this hyperlink to view the
associated Data Link Aggregation record under the Et herne t L ink
Aggregation node.
Access Type The access type for the subscriber access point, which can be any one of
the following:
Ingress Service Policy The service policy for the access point, which when clicked will display
the relevant policy under the Policy Container node.
Ingress QoS Policy The Quality of Service policy for the inbound traffic, which when
clicked will display the relevant policy under the Policy Container node.
Egress QoS Policy The Quality of Service policy for the outbound traffic of the access
point, which when clicked will display the relevant policy under the
Policy Container node.
BBA Group The BBA group to which the access point is associated. Click this
hyperlink to view the relevant group under the BBA group node.
DHCP Profile The DHCP profile to which the access point is associated. Click this
hyperlink to view the relevant profile under the DHCP node.
IP Address The destination addr ess fo r Use r D ata gram Pro toc ol (UDP ) br oa dcasts .
VRF The Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) in which the access points
Table 24-4 Diagnose Subscriber Access Points
Diagnose Command Input parameters
Show DHCP Binding Binding Type
Show IP Subscriber Management Trace Trace Event Type
Trace Count