Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Working with the Prime Network Vision Client
Prime Network Vision Status Indicators
A managed VNE icon consists of a managed element icon and one or two overlay icons, or badges:
The managed element icon displays a symbol of the element, and the color of the symbol indicates
the highest severity ticket that is not cleared for the element.
An element icon is colored green if either of the following is true:
No ticket of any severity exists for the element.
All tickets that exist for the element have the severity Cleared or Informational.
For more information about network element icons, see Element Icons, page 2-9. For more
information about severity colors, see Alarm Indicators, page 2-12.
An alarm badge is displayed on top of a managed element icon, a nd t he c ol or of th e a la rm ba dg e
indicates the severity of the highest severity ticket that is not acknowledged for the element. If all
tickets are acknowledged, no alarm icon appears.
Figure 2-9 shows an example of an element with the following ticket and alarm severities:
The highest severity ticket that is not cleared for the element is Major, as indicated by the orange
color applied to the element icon.
The highest severity alarm that is not acknowledged for the element is Cleared or OK, as
indicated by the green alarm badge.
Figure 2-9 Element with Ticket and Alarm Severity Indicators
A VNE management state badge is displayed on top of the managed el em ent ico n to i nd icat e the
management state of the VNE in the navigation tree and map. For example, a router that is partiall y
reachable by Prime Network Vision is displayed as illustrated in Figure 2-10.
Figure 2-10 Element with Overlay Badges
1Element icon with severity Major (orange)
2Alarm badge with severity Cleared or OK (green)
1Alarm badge with severity Warning.
2Managed element icon with severity Warning.
3VNE management state badge of Device Partially Reachable.